Wire rod

 StandardSteel grade/ 
Strength class
SizesChemical Analysis, %
Low CarbonASTM A510Mfrom SAE 10055,5; 6,0; 7,0; 7,5; 8,0; 8,5; 9,0; 9,5; 10,0; 10,5; 11,0; 11,5; 12,0; 12,5; 13,0; 13,5; 14,00,060,35 - 0,040,05 -  -  -  -  -  - 
to SAE 10190,15-0,200,70-1,0 - 0,040,05 -  -  -  -  -  - 
ISO 16120-2from C4D0,060,30-0,600,30,040,050,20,250,050,30,01 - 
to C18D0,15-0,200,30-0,600,30,0350,0350,20,250,050,30,01 - 
ISO 16120-3C3D10,050,20-0,400,050,0250,0250,10,10,030,150,05 - 
C4D10,060,20-0,450,10,0250,0250,150,150,030,150,05 - 
ISO 16120-4from C3D20,050,30-0,500,30,020,0250,10,10,050,150,010,007
to C18D20,16-0,200,30-0,500,30,020,0250,10,10,050,150,010,007
Medium CarbonASTM A510Mfrom SAE 10200,18-0,230,30-0,60 - 0,040,05 -  -  -  -  -  - 
to SAE 10400,37-0,440,60-0,90 - 00,05 -  -  -  -  -  - 
ISO 16120-2from C20D0,18-0,230,30-0,600,30,0350,0350,20,250,050,30,01 - 
to C38D0,35 - 0,400,50-0,800,10-0,300,030,030,20,250,050,030,01 - 
ISO 16120-4from C20D20,18-0,230,30-0,500,30,020,0250,10,10,050,150,010,007
to C40D20,38-0,420,5-0,70,10-0,300,020,0250,10,10,030,150,010,007
High CarbonASTM A510Mfrom SAE 10420,40-0,470,60-0,90 - 0,040,05 -  -  -  -  -  - 
to SAE 10800,75-0,880,60-0,90 - 0,040,05 -  -  -  -  -  - 
ISO 16120-2from C42D0,40-0,450,50-0,800,10-0,300,030,030,20,250,050,30,01 - 
to C82D0,80-0,850,50-0,800,10-0,300,030,030,150,20,050,250,01 - 
ISO 16120-4from C42D20,40-0,440,50-0,700,10-0,300,020,0250,10,10,030,150,010,007
to C82D20,80-0,840,50-0,700,10-0,300,020,0250,10,10,030,150,010,007
Contractual requirementsSv-08G2S, SG-3 
and others
Contractual requirements

1) Wire rod with chemical analyses other than specified in the Table can be produced upon agreement with the Buyer;
2) Mechanical properties as agreed with the Buyer;
3) Coil weight 1350±150 kg;
4) Outside diameter of coils 1250 mm;
5) Inside diameter of coils 850 mm;
6) Coil height 1110 mm max.;
7) Single values in the Table represent the maximum values.

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