Top management of MSW maintains its responsibility for the operation of the IMS within the company, for its further development and continual improvement.
The primary objective of MSW is to fully meet the customers' requirements for steel products and services and to exceed these requirements in order to strengthen the company's market position, while minimizing the company’s adverse environmental impacts, maintaining efficient use of natural and power resources, and recycling wastes.
The QUALITY POLICY and the ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY are implemented through the achievement of the Company's primary objective via the Integrated Management System, which is continuously improved
The employees of Moldova Steel Works are aware of their authorities and responsibilities within the IMS. Top management has the overall responsibility for the implementation of the Integrated Management System and ensures that the System is maintained across all levels of the organization and the resources available are effectively used.
Central Testing Laboratory (CTL) of JSC Moldova Steel Works

The central testing laboratory (CTL) comprises a chemical analysis laboratory, a metal science and mechanical testing laboratory, a sanitary-and-industrial control group and an equipment maintenance group.
The chemical analysis laboratory is the largest one and comprises an express laboratory of the EAF shop, an express laboratory of the CTL, a laboratory of the oxygen compressor station, and an industrial oil analysis laboratory.
The scope of works of the chemical analysis laboratory includes the incoming inspection of the raw materials and other additional materials for steel making, and the cast and product analyses that are carried out to determine the chemical composition of steel during the production process and its conformity to the requirements of applicable standards. The laboratory develops new test methods and standard reference samples, takes part in the international interlaboratory comparative tests.
SEM (scanning electron microscope) from TESCAN with energy dispersion and wave analyzers from OXFORD INSTRUMENTS

The main task of the metal science and mechanical testing laboratory is to maintain a continuous control over the mechanical properties of steel products, to do macro- and microstructure analysis of steel billets and rolled products, to carry out metallographic examinations, and to study the nature of surface defects on steel billets and rolled products. The laboratory studies the processes of steel structure formation, scale formation, and formation of non-metallic inclusions, etc. The metal science and mechanical testing laboratory applies main EU and other international standards for mechanical and metal micrographic tests. The obtained test results form a sound basis for the improvement and adjustment of steel making and rolling processes at JSC Moldova Steel Works.

The sanitary-and-industrial control group monitors the concentration of hazardous substances (vapors, gases, dust) in the air of working areas, measures the level of noise, vibration, electromagnetic fields, lighting, as well as the atmospheric conditions and other physical factors related to the workplace.
Also, the sanitary-and-industrial control group conducts laboratory studies of underground water and soil samples taken in the fixed survey points within the territory of the plant and in the sanitary protection zone, and monitors the quality of the plant’s domestic wastewater.
The equipment maintenance group performs maintenance and repair of the laboratory equipment, maintenance of measuring instrumentation and tools, maintenance of the CTL building and communication lines.
Quality Policy of the Central Testing Laboratory
The Quality Policy of the CTL involves implementation of the objectives based on the effective Quality Management System and its continual improvement. The Quality Policy of the CTL is an integral part of the general Quality Policy of JSC Moldova Steel Works.The OBJECTIVE of the Quality Policy of the CTL
- is to warrant a high level of tests and measurements in order to manage the quality of the final products and to improve the production technology at JSC Moldova Steel Works.
Other objectives of the Quality Policy:
- to comply with all requirements and observe recommendations contained in the regulatory documentation of the Accreditation System and ISO/IEC 17025-2005;
- to continuously maintain the compliance with the accreditation criteria for the official recognition of the technical competence in the stated scope of accreditation;
- to retain the highly qualified staff of the Central Testing Laboratory and to increase the staff number as a basis for the existing professional competence of the CTL;
- to ensure the recognition of the CTL as a competent and reliable laboratory at the national level.
The Head of the CTL shapes the Quality Policy and has the responsibility for its development and implementation.

The Central Testing Laboratory (CTL) was accredited by the National Accreditation Body of the PMR for the technical competence on 6 December, 2021.

On 5 September, 2020, the CTL received the Accreditation Certificate issued by the National Accreditation Centre of the Republic of Moldova (MOLDAC) according to SM EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018, valid until 9 June, 2028.